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Some of the New Products on Show

DAY 1: b-plus demonstrates test data solutions

b-plus is displaying its suite of solutions for collecting, processing and validating test data.

Key software offerings include the AVETO.dps recording software and the CONiX data processing and management solutions, designed for autonomous driving measurement technology.

Strategic program manager Adrian Bertl explained the company’s attendance at the show: “We are attending the show because it focuses on the market for AD/ADAS technologies, which is a key area for our hardware and software applications. We have developed and tested robust solutions specifically for the automotive market. The show also provides excellent opportunities for partner networking, making it an ideal platform to exhibit our technology.”

AVETO.dps recording software can process and record data at speeds exceeding 100Gbps. It reportedly merges the reliability of a classic datalogger with the adaptability of an open platform, supporting various data sources and formats such as PCAPNG and MDF4.

Johann Führmann, head of business development, explained, “One of the standout features of AVETO.dps is its data encryption capability, which ensures high data security throughout the entire process, all while maintaining high usability and simplicity. By using AVETO.dps, data recording becomes not only faster but also more efficient and customer friendly compared with traditional dataloggers.”

The CONiX management solution delivers high-quality, precisely annotated data ideal for machine learning models, and can simplify remote data management for measurement setups in test vehicles.

The process begins by defining precise requirements, including use cases and sensor setups, to ensure optimal data collection. High-precision equipment gathers raw data enriched with meta-information and integrates custom services for a tailored data set.

In the curation phase, CONiX.dpc aligns data with best practices and quality standards, using automated and expert validation to maintain high data quality. For model training, CONiX.dpc provides detailed insights into model performance, refines data specifications and metrics and streamlines test vehicle setups and remote data management with health monitoring, over-the-air updates and coordinated storage.

“With the combined capabilities of AVETO.dps and CONiX.dpc we provide comprehensive and integrated solutions that accompany our customers throughout their journeys to achieve the perfect data set. With our additional software solutions, we offer holistic support including device management for health monitoring, over-the-air software updates and improved coordination of storage units in the field through the test fleet management solution CONiX.tfs,” concluded Führmann.

Visit Booth 6126 to see demonstrations of the latest hardware developments and advanced software solutions from b-plus.

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