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Thomas Mauthner

Thomas Mauthner studied telematics at the Graz University of Technology (TUG) before joining the Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision at TUG for his PhD in informatics. He worked in research and academia, with a proven track record of conference and journal publications, before going into industry in 2015. He has been with AVL List since 2018 and worked on several ADAS/AD projects. In 2024, he became department manager for real-world ADAS/AD solutions.


From road to simulation in a nutshell

Overwhelmed with the coverage of your operational design domain? How can you guarantee the completeness and reliability of your ODD parameterization? AVL's approach from road to simulation allows you to get a better understanding of your underlying data. AVL's solution supports you from real-world data collection to data processing up to evaluation and analysis. Concrete scenarios are mapped to logical scenarios and parameterized by captured real-world data. These resulting scenarios are used to execute simulation test plans. Based on these results, the following gaps can be identified: gaps in the current implementation, gaps in the current ODD definition and missing real-world data. AVL's Korea Testing Laboratory operates the complete toolchain mentioned above and will give insights for data collection, analytics, scenario extraction, digitalization and scenario resimulation.