Conference Interviews

Speaker Q&A: Tim Foster, senior solution consultant, ETAS

Hear from Tim on Day 1 (August 28) as he presents ‘Simple on-production target verification of ADAS software’ during the ‘Key components in the ADAS/AD test and development toolchain’ session.

What are the top three developments in ADAS/AD technologies you expect to see in the next five years?

A commonization/consolidation of ADAS/AD middleware (i.e. more industry standardization and not all OEMs developing their own ADAS/AD middleware).

More reliance on virtual software verification and validation and less reliance on hardware-based verification and validation solutions.

Inclusion of more AI-based road vehicle data collection methods to decrease the amount of data logged, and at the same time increase the quality of the vehicle road data collected.

When do you expect to see full autonomy on US roads? When should we expect commercialization of AV technologies at scale?

My personal opinion is that fully autonomous use cases will continue to be made available in very limited conditions/locations on a gradual basis over the next 5-10 years. For example, L5 long-haul trucking in limited routes/markets will increase greatly over the next three to five years.

What are the main three obstacles in the road to full deployment? How can they be overcome?

US roads and operating conditions vary so greatly across the US (weather, road conditions, signs, road markings, constant road construction) that it is virtually impossible to offer a comprehensive enough sensor set to provide sufficient sensor fusion at a reasonable price.

Limit the operating conditions and/or apply the technology (sufficient sensor coverage) in an application/use case that is not as cost sensitive or that can be amortized (e.g. long-haul trucking where time is money).

What are you speaking about in San Jose and what three messages would you like your audience to take away?

I will be talking about simple on-production target verification of ADAS software. The audience will learn the advantages of on-target software verification; key considerations when designing/using an on-target software verification solution; and how an on-target software verification solution can complement a comprehensive ADAS/AD software testing strategy.

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