
Speaker Details

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Alessandro Norscia

Since joining May Mobility in 2023, Alessandro has led the product organization’s delivery of mobility-as-a-service transit solutions. He has more than 20 years' experience in product leadership in the automotive, automation, consumer electronics and telecommunications markets. Previously, he served as senior director of product management at Intel, overseeing the definition, management and commercialization of Intel’s hardware and software platform solutions for autonomous driving, ADAS, software-defined vehicles and autonomous mobile robots. Before Intel, he held leadership positions at companies including Qualcomm and Infineon in the areas of automotive wireless connectivity, home networking and broadband communication.


Unlocking the future of autonomous vehicles: Scalability for next-gen mobility

The path to scalable autonomous driving demands more than just cutting-edge technology—it requires a holistic system design that combines driving performance with efficiency, and adaptability. May Mobility’s patented Multi-Policy Decision Making (MPDM) technology redefines real-time decision-making in autonomous vehicles, ensuring safe, adaptable operations across diverse environments. By combining this technology with meticulously characterized Operational Design Domain (ODD) elements and other techniques acquired through real-world experience, May Mobility’s approach enables AVs to scale across new cities and routes with unmatched precision and efficiency. This session will explore the critical importance of integrating AI and data analytics to overcome the complexities of AV scalability, to mastering the long-tail of real-world driving scenarios. Attendees will gain insights into the future of autonomous driving, learning how to harness AI-powered decision-making and end-to-end system design to accelerate deployment, enhance safety, and drive the future of urban mobility. Join us to explore the intersection of technology, data and AI in transforming autonomous vehicle development.