
Speaker Details

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Tilo Schwarz

Tilo leads the team responsible for delivering an AI-first autonomy stack that powers autonomous vehicles for various applications. Before his time at Nuro he spent over 20 years at Mercedes-Benz, both in Germany and in the Silicon Valley headquarters of Mercedes-Benz Research and Technology North America. Throughout his career he has focused on innovative technology and software development for advanced driver assistance systems and autonomous driving. He has deep expertise in L2, L3 and L4 vehicle systems.


Developing and validating an AI-first autonomous driving system

The talk presents the Nuro Driver, its current architecture and main components, perception, mapping and localization and behavior. We look into the machine learning and robotics parts of the Nuro Driver and our approach to ensure the safety of the generated trajectories. We also show how to test and validate that the overall system works as intended.