
Speaker Details

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Felix Mueller

Felix has been in the automotive industry in Germany and the US for more than 10 years, ranging from traditional Tier 1 system suppliers, engineering services to R&D hardware and software tools. He joined TraceTronic in 2021 and manages the US subsidiary in Michigan as well as the business development for the Americas.


Meeting SOTIF for ADAS/AD through efficient software and scenario validation

Validation of automated driving functions, especially for SAE L3, has become a challenging aspect of new vehicle development. Large quantities of tests have to be performed in different environments. Complex SIL and HIL setups and highly scalable cloud simulations are necessary to cover the required testing. In ISO 21448 (SOTIF), sampling is a central component and focuses on targeted parameterization and variation of scenarios. In this presentation, the audience will learn about the SOTIF standard and its effect on vehicle development. We will also present a scalable, virtual toolchain solution for automation, parameterization and efficient, targeted analysis of the test.