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James Tidd

James Tidd has over 20 years of experience in the Positioning industry. He has worked across indiustries from military fast jets to mobile phones and with a wide variety of positioning technologies including GNSS, IMUs, Cellular, Wifi, Bluetooth, UWB and cameras. James has a MEng in Systems Engineering from Loughbourough Unitiversity and currently lives in Stockholm, Sweden. He is the Chief Automotive Engineer at Swift Navigation.


ISO 26262 for cloud-based precise positioning

As the automotive industry advances toward higher levels of vehicle autonomy and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication, cloud-based services will play a larger role. While the ISO 26262 standard sets functional safety requirements for software running inside the vehicle, cloud-based applications must adhere to the same requirements. Swift Navigation’s Skylark Precise Positioning Service is a cloud-based GNSS corrections service running on AWS that provides vehicles with high-accuracy location data for precise navigation, ADAS and autonomy and V2X communication. Skylark recently achieved ISO 26262 certification, elevating the role of GNSS in the automotive sensor suite and setting a design pattern for the development of cloud-based applications used for safety-critical use cases. Learn more about the service architecture and cloud infrastructure used to ensure compliance with safety standards while leveraging the unique benefits of the cloud.