
Speaker Details

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James Singer

James graduated from Utah State University with a BSc and MSc in electrical engineering and began his career working in the server industry as a hardware design engineer and as a technologist for the last 29 years working for Compaq, RLX Technologies, HP/HPE and Everspin. He currently works for Dell Technologies as a technologist in the server CTO office, focused on intelligent connected vehicles and edge use cases.


A server-based HIL rig proposal

An essential methodology that every ADAS/AD project must leverage is hardware-in-the-loop testing (HIL). While traditional HIL testing is more accurate than SIL, it runs orders of magnitude more slowly than cycle-for-cycle software-in-the-loop testing. Complexity, cost and deployment challenges limit scalability. In this session, Ambarella, in cooperation with Dell, will introduce a new methodology that delivers a low-cost, scalable server-based HIL rig simulation architecture that matches or exceeds the speed and accuracy of traditional HIL rigs for AI model verification with the flexibility of on-premises and/or remote deployment.