
Speaker Details

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Ram Mirwani

Ram Mirwani is a business innovator and technologist with over 27 years of experience in leading global business growth and market adoption for new technologies. His efforts span across multiple areas including test automation and training, RF/wireless design and testing and ADAS/autonomous vehicles. He has published several articles and is a frequent speaker at industry events. At Rohde & Schwarz, Mirwani is responsible for leading the automotive business development team efforts. He lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife and two kids. He has a BSc in ME (1997) and an MBA (2010), both with honors, from Arizona State University.


Next-generation ADAS test for V2X and vehicle-level radar test

As Level 3 ADAS functions continue to dominate vehicle roadmaps in the short term, testing these ADAS functions adequately is a continuing challenge for the automotive ecosystem. In this session, Rohde & Schwarz will introduce two new test methods for ADAS testing: the optimized, cost-effective on-vehicle radar test and combining V2X with the sensor HIL test for pre-road test reliability tests. The session will share initial project/demo descriptions, key learnings and potential application areas for these new test methods.