
Speaker Details

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Jongryeol Jeong

Jongryeol Jeong is a principal research engineer at Argonne National Laboratory. He earned his PhD in mechanical engineering from Seoul National University, Seoul. His primary research interests lie in modeling, simulation, optimization and the control of intelligent vehicles.


Argonne’s anything-in-the-loop workflow: assessing the energy impact of CAVs

Estimating connected and automated vehicles' (CAVs) energy impacts is challenging due to the non-linear dependence between CAVs' interactions with the environment and the scarcity of real-world data. To overcome these limitations, an 'anything-in-the-loop' (XIL) workflow has been developed. The XIL workflow integrates various CAV controllers into real powertrain components or vehicles in a safe, controlled and highly repeatable experimental environment, enabling a thorough validation and analysis of functionalities, dynamic performance and energy impacts. The presentation provides an overview of the workflow tasks and highlights achievements in energy conservation and insights into validating a multivehicle simulation leveraging experimental results.