
Speaker Details

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John Komar

John Komar directs all aspects of ACE's business at Ontario Tech University. He directs the business plan, engineering and financial management of ACE, including key partnership negotiations and relationships. Komar works to grow, diversify and foster new opportunities and market segments for the university and strengthens ACE’s utilization for product commercialization, diversification, education, research and local community engagement. Eric Villeneuve, in addition to leading multiple aero/thermal/structural durability projects for clients, is an R&D engineer who develops new advanced routines/precipitation characterization/testing methodologies for complete vehicle sensor performance in real-world weather conditions.


Precipitation characterization for ADAS development of sensor performance at ACE

Ontario Tech University/Automotive Centre of Excellence's core research facility will share the journey of the precipitation characterization and testing functionality of ADAS for soiling due to weather impacting the vehicle sensors and detecting targets. Ontario Tech and ACE are leading the way in developing new, advanced development routines and testing methodologies for real-world weather conditions. The world-class Climatic Aerodynamic Wind Tunnel and other environmental chambers provide testing in rain/snow/ice/fog in varying temperatures and humidity. ACE provides calibrated rain/snow/ice/fog precipitation characterization that accurately and repeatably reproduces real-world performance of lidar, radar, cameras and other optical sensors in full vehicle operation.