
Speaker Details

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Jason Landers

Jason's career spans over 25 years working with Fortune 500 global enterprises as a founding entrepreneur and as part of Microsoft Research, Intel Labs, Mandiant, FireEye, Rapid7, and other industry visionaries to strengthen software quality and improve DevSecOps strategies, among other defensive cyber capabilities. Originally a software developer since the age of 12, Jason is an engaging speaker who has a compelling passion and vision for the future of the industry.


Formal methods: game-changer in ensuring automotive software safety and security

The presentation will show how, through automating the use of formal methods via abstract interpretation among other techniques, enterprises can alleviate the tester burden, reduce iterations generated by penetration, fuzzing and unit testing, and allow developers to focus on high-value tasks. This unique approach, which combines static and dynamic analysis, was recommended by NIST (NIST.IT.8151) and the White House's ONCD, and has the additional powerful advantage that it yields no false negatives. This means a guaranteed absence of undefined behaviors like buffer overflows. We will further demonstrate how developers can comprehensively verify software properties and produce critical-bug-free code, ensuring memory safety.