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Cameron Gieda

Cameron is a Silicon Valley veteran, having spent a good part of his career working as a business development professional in mobility and robotics markets. In almost every case, Cameron is tasked with bringing a novel technology to a mature market (from lidar to Nvidia ECUs). His main role at Pony is developing software licensing deals with automotive OEMs.


An analysis of AV and ADAS shortcomings and potential solutions

It seems that on a weekly basis we see another accident or incident involving the apparent failure of an AV or ADAS. Regardless of the frequency of these incidents, they are used as fodder by the media to frighten the public, earning more clicks and add revenue. We've seen AVs jamming up streets, hitting cyclists, dragging pedestrians and a recent tragedy where a Ford MachE ( supposedly with Blue Cruise engaged) struck a stopped vehicle on a highway, resulting in a fatality. I will discuss my opinions as to why such incidents happen and propose technical solutions to reduce or eliminate these issues in the future. Solutions can take the form of better or increased sensors on vehicles or more robust localization and communication systems. There are also many investments that can be made around infrastructure, which could greatly improve the safety and efficiency of ADAS and AV systems. I will discuss a few of these technical approaches (including V2V and V2X) as well as who should be paying for them.