Some of the new products on show

Datalogger for ADAS and HILS AV development
Methodica Technologies

Methodica Technologies introduces the Peekaboo P5404 (P-Series), an innovative datalogger designed for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and HILS vehicle autonomous development.

P5404 is a PCIe Gen3 card-based camera image logging and reprocessing system where autonomous vehicle sensor fusion such as camera, CAN, automotive ethernet (ETH), FlexRay, lidar and radar data frames are logged to storage. The beauty of the P5404 PCIe Gen3 card lies in its ability to retrieve the logged data via industry-standard replay and reprocess mechanisms where the later provides allows injection of the logged data directly onto the sensor processor chip, bypassing the lens and the imagers. This is an all-in-one cost-effective turnkey solution which is an innovative asset and a boon to the world of autonomous vehicle technologies.

Peekaboo products are customizable to meet Tier 1/OEM specifications, such as SerDes (FPD-Link/GMSL) and vehicle sensor interfaces (GPS/IMU/lidar). Signals are time-synchronized using an FPGA/SoC/GPU platform processor and stored in an ADTF streaming-based file library.

Vikram Verma, CEO and co-founder of Methodica Technologies, emphasizes Peekaboo's cost effectiveness and highlights its ability to handle logging, replaying and reprocessing within a single system. It captures data from multiple sensors and synchronizes it to vehicle communication systems with unprecedented accuracy and reduced data losses.

Discover the company’s innovative Peekaboo P5404 system and experienced turnkey logging (GMSL3, 8 megapixel) and vehicle simulator at its booth and elevate your ADAS and AV development projects.

Booth: 4034

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