Some of the new products on show

Enabling automotive radars with multilayer waveguide technology
Gapwaves (Business Sweden)

Gapwaves' patented waveguide technology addresses the demand for advanced sensors operating at higher frequencies, delivering high-end solutions to the mass market while remaining cost-efficient.

Gapwaves’ latest innovation, multilayer waveguide (MLW) technology, addresses critical needs in automotive radars. Its long-range detection capabilities, combined with a wide field of view, enhance the radar's ability to accurately monitor surroundings, enabling ADAS and autonomous driving.

MLW's compact, lightweight design facilitates integration into vehicles, addressing the industry's trend towards tighter packaging spaces and invisible integration for aesthetic appeal. This technology supports icon-like designs, allowing radars to blend into the vehicle's exterior without compromising performance.

Made of metal rather than plastic, MLW antennas offer thermal capabilities as modern sensors are challenged by the thermal aspects of the powerful chips used. This enables the size reduction of the heatsink, helping to dissipate heat efficiently in warm or fluctuating environments.

MLW has proven effective in both high-performance imaging radars and cost-sensitive corner radars. Corner radars benefit from MLW's wide field of view, while imaging radars leverage high-resolution capabilities for detailed object detection and classification.

Booth: 6000

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