Some of the new products on show

Zero-hardware development of ADAS and AD systems

This August at ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle Technology Expo California, Siemens will showcase its virtual critical scenario creation for virtual ECUs, based on real-world data.

The development of today’s ADAS and AD algorithms requires a large fleet of vehicles collecting real-world data to develop and test their ADAS algorithms, but how do you make sure that what you record covers any possible situation?

Siemens has developed a combination of new tools to analyze, select and augment driving scenarios that matter. With the Simcenter Autonomy Data Analytics solution, real-world data can be digested, ADAS and AD system performance evaluated and scenarios automatically categorized before exporting the data selection for replay or further exploration in physics-based world and sensor sim (Simcenter Prescan).

The Simcenter Autonomy critical scenario creation proprietary methodology systematically and automatically generates scenarios that are labeled as unsafe and unexpected.

On the hardware front, developing ECUs virtually involves ensuring that the software works seamlessly with the hardware in a virtual environment. The wide range of hardware variations and configurations is challenging. Siemens proposes a suite of connected tools and a workflow for developing the ADAS and AD software and hardware virtually.

Booth: 5005

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